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GrowSure Launch

Revenue Growth Group was established is 2003 as a vehicle to consult and improve the capability of salespeople and sales teams. The plan was always to bring structure to the salespeople and the sales process, however, teaching people to be more effective at selling to prospects who don’t want to buy is an expensive waste of time and resource.

Fifteen years ago, we started to map out the process of identifying real buyers, so that the Sales Training and CRM systems began to add value rather than suck resources that could be doing better things.

From our experience lack of planning makes up for 90% of business development failure so we set out to fix the targeting function followed closely by the implementation function.

GrowSure has evolved from a PowerPoint presentation to a series of interactive PDF’s forms and now finally to an online program that enables companies to identify where they can win and build a strategy and tactics to get in front of the right buyers.

But GrowSure does so much more than that; it changes how companies view Revenue and report on Revenue. The level of detail in GrowSure enables Managers to drill down to the minute detail as they can do with their costs and to have input into the Strategy before it is implemented as opposed to dealing with the consequences after the fact.

GrowSure is a game-changer it’s so much more than just software, its tutorials add incredible value, it is supported by Consultants, and it’s a tool that can and should be used daily in every company who takes Growth seriously.