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Is growth the core skill of most Start-ups?

Recently there has been a proliferation of new small businesses – start-ups, corporate innovations and ventures, and in some cases side hustles.    The Covid pandemic has contributed to this with corporate employees seeking greater independence, and city dwellers relocating to rural areas and building businesses to maintain that lifestyle. This is combined with the increasing availability of seed funding and early stage capital to support good business ideas.

Most of these start-ups are founded by technical or domain specialists with great innovations – but they don’t have deep sales and marketing skills to drive a successful go-to-market or scale-up and can’t afford these skills as fixed labour costs. What to do?

One founder  that spoke to us summed the challenge up well “I have reached the boundary of my personal network but I still need to grow the business”.  Fortunately help is at hand.  GrowSure, provides 3 services which help businesses like this, from Growth health checks, to workshops and 12-week custom bootcamps to break through the outer frontier of founders personal network and provide a new roadmap for growth.  IF this sounds like you – contact GrowSure.