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My growth is broken but no time to land

Written by Mark Hood | 19 September 2023 9:48:57 AM

Business owners are often guilty of doing what is urgent instead of doing what is important. They see problems like paying for salespeople who simply don’t sell enough, or marketing not finding a voice in the marketplace.  Well, that about sums up most businesses that are battling to grow in this post-Covid marketplace – so you’re not alone but what’s the solution? The answers lie in the two most common challenges of improving a business while it’s in the air, knowing what to fix and finding the time to fix it.

Before you can improve you have to find out what is working and what is not, to do that you need to know and understand detailed business development processes. Few people go into business because they are experts at the business development process most go into business to sell a product or solution that they are experts in.  

So, you can either hope the problem goes away and keep spending money on sales and marketing teams that don’t produce revenue. Your CRM can measure the problem and highlight the problem but does little to help you to fix the problem. Alternatively, you can apply process, growth is not a mystery it is a defined process so you can overlay what you are currently doing against growth processes, then find the gaps and fix them.

For many, it is a fundamental shift in mindset from managing by outcomes like what is in the pipeline to management by inputs. Importantly you don’t need to throw more money at the problem or more people, just throw a better process.

Often business owners know what needs to be done to improve their company, but they don’t have the time with a need to focus on closing deals and delivery because that is what pays the bills. But someone has the get your targeting and messaging right or change and growth won’t happen.

You can stop trading for a week or two and dissect what is not working providing you have the skills and you know the process but for most that is impractical or impossible.

So what to do?

The GrowSure process through its Advisors and go-to-market software process will find out what you know and are not using and what you need to know. The best way is to set up a quick call or take one of our growth assessments, no charge.